Cascara came from the husk of the coffee cherry, usually discarded to get to the bean that’s eventually roasted. In some coffee-growing countries, especially Bolivia (where it’s called Sultana) and Yemen, this cherry is brew as a tea.
Cascara is brew like loose tea leaves, so you’ll need to use something to separate the fruit from the liquid once it’s steeped. You can use a teapot, plunger, or even an AeroPress (with no paper) and then strain it through a sieve.
What you'll need
- - Cáscara
- - Tea Pot
- - Kettle
- - Scales
- - Timer
- - Coffee cup
Preparation time
4 minutes

Step 1. Boil water
Heat 250 grams of water to 93°C. Weigh out 18 grams of cascara.
Step 2. Place cascara in a tea pot
Add cascara in a tea pot or any glass server.
Step 3. Pour hot water
Steep the cascara for around 4 minutes. If you prefer a stronger flavour, keep steeping for up to 10-12 minutes.